Friday, August 31, 2012

When's it going to stop raining?

Not literally I must add. It hasn't rained here in the great state of Oklahoma in a while. I'm talking about all the bad luck that keeps raining down on my family. For the past 6 months now it just hasn't seemed to stop. Let me let you in on our story.

 In May of 2012, my husband and I found out we were expecting again. We were very shocked, but very happy and overjoyed! I had just started going to school at the Academy of Hair Design a couple weeks prior to us finding out. My husband had a wonderful job that he loved and he had just enrolled in school at OSU-OKC. We had a wonderful 18 month old son that seemed to be growing a foot taller each day. We also had a very nice two bedroom apartment in a nice neighborhood. Everything seemed to be going right for our family and we were very happy. It wasn't long before everything slowly started falling apart though.

 I was very  sick with morning sickness and generally didn't feel well at all. It started to become very hard for me to keep attending school. So I ended up making the very hard decision to drop my class. I knew from the beginning that something was very different about this pregnancy. I started looking for an O/B, which wasn't easy. I finally found one at St.Anthony's that I decided to start seeing for this pregnancy. My first appointment was made for two weeks later.

 Not long after dropping school, my husband got laid off from his job. He immediately started trying to find another one, but it wasn't easy.

 At my first O/B appointment we found out that I was about 7 weeks pregnant. They did an ultrasound the first day and discovered that I had been expecting twins, but that it looked like I had already lost one. The could see two sacs, but only one heartbeat. They made my next appointment for a month later at 12 weeks, where they'd do another ultrasound. We were kinda in shock, knowing that we had had twins, but knowing that it ran in both of our families it wasn't to shocking.

 About a week after my first appointment we found out that we would be loosing our apartment in just a matter of days. We packed the whole place up and rented a storage unit. All of our belongings went to storage. Having no where to really go, we went to a hotel. We stayed there for two weeks, but couldn't really afford to stay any longer (it got very expensive, FAST!). We really didn't know where we were going to go, so I talked with my best friend to see if she and her mom would let us stay with them til we could find our own place. They agreed, so we moved in with them for a while (which I am so very thankful for them, or who knows where we would have ended up)

 While staying with them, my husband started school and found another job. We started looking for another place of our own. At about 11 weeks into the pregnancy, I ended up having a miscarriage one night. Thinking that we found already lost one of the twins, we just knew this was it, we had lost our last baby. It was a Saturday night so I made the decision to wait until Monday to go in and see the doctor. Monday afternoon the hubby and I went in to see the doctor. They did an  ultrasound that determined that we had lost a baby, but still had TWO (that's right TWO!) heartbeats, meaning that we had been expecting triplets. Wow, we were in such shock and couldn't believe it. We kept asking the ultrasound tech to look again, because it was almost unbelievable that we had been expecting triplets! We immediately told everyone the amazing news,  that we were still expecting twins!

 About 2 weeks after finding this out, we found a place to call our own again. We moved into a small one bedroom apartment, not expecting much, but at least cleanliness. We were more than surprised when we moved in and found our we had a few (hounded) roommates. The apartment was infested with cockroaches,spiders,and centipedes. It was filthy and horrible! We immediately told the landlord that we wanted to be moved, we could NOT live in a place like that. About a week later she moved us upstairs to a much better apartment. The bugs were (mostly) gone and it was much cleaner. So we started settling in, since this would be our home for a while.

 I went in to see my O/B at 15 weeks, as I was till bleeding quite a bit. They did an ultrasound that determined that baby A had very low amniotic fluid. They wanted me to see a high risk O/B immediately. It was 5pm on a Thursday, so every ones office was already closed for the day. They told me that the receptionist would call and make my appointment with the high risk doctor first thing the next morning and I'd be receiving a call from them sometime on Friday. Well Friday came and went and I never received a call from them. I waited out the weekend and thought I'd just call them on Monday. Over the weekend I felt no movement of baby A, although we had always been the more active baby. On Monday I tried to call my doctors office, but kept getting set to their voice answering service. I finally got through to the switch board sometime late Monday afternoon. The lady at the switch board let me know that their office was going to be close all week, due to them moving (GREAT!) I called the high risk O/B to see if they had received a phone call from my doctor, but they had not received anything from them and said they were the only ones who could make me an appointment. I was very upset, but didn't know what else to do.

 Wednesday we decided to go to the ER @ Mercy hospital (since that was the hospital where the high risk O/B practiced at) because I still had felt no movement from baby A (but was still feeling baby B move around) We told the ER doctor the whole story and he called the high risk O/B's office and got my an appointment for 30 minutes later. We rushed over to his office, where they did an ultrasound immediately. They confirmed that baby A definitely had very low amniotic fluid, but the ultrasound tech just kept acting like there was something else wrong. She went to get the doctor and have him look at the baby. He looked at baby for a very long time and said he'd have his nurse move us to a regular room where we could talk. That he definitely saw things wrong with baby A. So the nurse moved us over to a different room and we waited. He came in a few minutes later and told us first off that he saw things wrong with my 'female parts'. He said that I most definitely have two uteruses and he was about 75% sure that I have two cervix as well. He then went on to tell us about the babies. He said that baby B looked fabulous and seemed right on track with everything. However baby B did have very low amniotic fluid and that his brain was not developing right. He said that from what he could tell from the ultrasound it looked like we were dealing with down syndrome, or something of the like. He wanted me to come back in one week to do more test (I was 16 weeks at this point, so to come back at 17 weeks)

 The next day my husband headed off to work like any other day. I got a call several hours later letting me know that he had been in a very bad car wreck and totaled our car. I was not able to go to the hospital, but he came home that evening. I was relieved to find out that he had no severe injuries, mostly just bruises and cuts. He did have a cracked rib and fractured wrist, but things could have been much worse. We went out to the impound yard to get our belongings from the car and to see how bad it really was. It was definitely totaled. So now we were left with no vechiele.

 On Tuesday, July 24th, I went into labor late that night. At the time I didn't know that it was actually labor. I thought it was just horrible cramps from where I was till bleeding quite a bit (yes, I was still bleeding from the miscarriage I had had at 11 weeks) At 2:45am on July 25th, Caleb Raymond was born, still born. I gave birth to him in our bathroom. My husband called the ambulance and it seemed like it took them forever to get there, even though it was really only 10 minutes. The EMT's cut his cord and took him a way. I didn't know it then, but that was the last time I'd ever see him. The rushed me to Mercy hospital. I stayed in the ER forever it seemed, where they discovered that I had still never delivered the placenta, but that my cervix had closed. They listened to the other babies heart beat, which was good and strong. They eventually admitted me to labor and delivery, where I ended up staying for nearly a week. Baby girl continued to do well and it didn't seem as though I was going to go into labor again anytime soon. I talked to my nurse about how I had never seen Caleb after deliver and knew that this was not how most hospitals operated. She had no idea and was very upset. She assured me that I should have been aloud to hold him and take pictures, before he had been sent to pathology. She told me there wasn't much she could do at that point, but she'd do everything she could. She did manage to get us pictures of him and a blanket that she had put him in for the pictures, but that was it. I am still upset to this day that I was not able to tell my baby good-bye. They released me 5 days later, on very strict bed rest. I will be on strict bed rest the rest of this pregnancy.

 We have been dealing with the loose of our son (not to mention the lose of our other baby we lost earlier on), when all of the sudden we get hit with our most recent incident. We woke up a few days ago to find an eviction notice on our door, stating that we had a court date in TWO days and had FOUR days after the court date to move out. WOW! We didn't know how to take this, as we had paid our rent. Come to find out the landlord is evicting us, because another tenant told her that they say my husband break into the maintenance building and steal a can of stray paint, and then try to break into the office. None of this happened, but she says it did and that it breaks our lease, so we're being evicted. This apartment is only in my name, so I'd have to be the one to go to court to fight the eviction. I obviously can't go to court, since I am on such strict bed rest and still having tons of complications with this pregnancy. We called the judge on the case, she told us that I could get a note from my doctor stating I'm on bed rest, but that I'd still have to show up at court, since I'm the only one on the lease. The court date was yesterday and I was unable to go, so now we have 4 days to vacate. So once again we're loosing our home. We have no where to go, except a family members house, and thank goodness for them or we'd be on the street. We had to cancel my baby shower due to all this, so now will not have that help of getting things we despertely need for this little girl.

 I just keep wondering 'What's next??" Our luck has to get better at some point, right? Or does it.... I have started see myself loose hope in faith and slowly dip down into depression. I am just so tired of the bad luck rain ruining our parade. At the end of the day I can still thank God for my wonderful husband and my two babies that I do still have.

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